Quality Coverage at Discounted Rates
You can receive a 35% package discount in addition to any premium credits* that may be in effect increasing your savings even more.
- 10-Year Level Term Life
- 15-Year Level Term Life
- 20-Year Level Term Life
- Traditional Term Life
- Long-Term Disability
- Short-Term Disability
- Office Overhead Expense Disability
- Accidental Death and Dismemberment
- Supplemental Disability (for educational expense obligations)
Surgeons Insurance Protection Portfolio | Benefit Amount | Monthly Premium after premium credit** | Monthly Premium with 35% Package Discount | Monthly Savings from Package Discount |
20-Year Level Term | $1,000,000 | $41.60 | $27.04 | $14.56 |
Long-Term Disability (60-Day Waiting Period) No optional benefit riders | $20,000 | $193.23 | $125.60 | $67.63 |
Accidental Death & Dismemberment | $500,000 | $29.30 | $19.05 | $10.25 |
Total | $264.13 | $171.69 | $92.44 |
*Premium Credits are determined based on financial performance of each coverage. When claims experience is favorable, the ACS awards a premium credit (percent of premium) to each insured under the group policy. Credits are not paid in cash, they are applied as a credit to the gross premium due on your premium statement. The package discount is applied to the net due after any premium credit. Please review the information kits to see the base policy rates for each coverage and use the calculators for additional quotes.
**The 20YT Premium Quoted is an example of the Super-Preferred Rate which is the risk class the majority of non-tobacco using applicants are approved for. The 20YT and LTD Premiums include the 35% Premium Credit currently in effect and guaranteed through March 31, 2026.
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Please review the Information Kits for complete details about each products features, costs, eligibility, renewability, exclusions, limitations and carrier information.
Underwritten by New York Life Insurance Company (NY, NY 10010) on group policy form GMR. NEW YORK LIFE and the NEW YORK LIFE Box Logo are tracemarks of New York Life Insurance Company
New York Life Insurance Company's state of domicile is New York (NAIC ID # 55915) and is licensed/authorized to transact business in all the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and Canada. However, not all group plans it underwrites are available in all jurisdictions. Please check the Plan details sections for current availability.
FL Insurance License No. L048174 • TX Licensed Agent: Samuel Hamin Fleet, Lic. No. 1091381